The Dollar Dance or Money Dance
Is an event at some Wedding receptions in various cultures. During a money dance, male guests pay to dance with the bride, and female guests pay to dance with the groom. The custom originated in Poland in the early 1900s in immigrant neighborhoods.
The best man and the maid of honor typically collect the money for the bride and groom. Also can let your guest have a chance to dance with the bride and groom and collect no money.
Dollar Dash
Have the DJ play an upbeat song and emcee a dollar dash where the bride and groom must dash around the room as quickly as they can to see who can raise the most money. Add to the competition by giving out hugs for a dollar and kisses for five, if you want to give the guest more incentive. The game can result in the bride and groom counting their money to see who raised more, or the Dj can lighten the mood by telling the groom he might as well just hand oner because she gets all the money now anyway.
Hype It Up
Have the maid of honor and best man hype up the crowd and collect cash rather than having the bride & groom running all over to collect money. The couple should be on the floor dancing together while the DJ, maid of honor, and best man work together to keep the guests involved. See who can collect more the maid of honor for the bride or the best man for the groom. This is similar to the dollar dash, but gets others involved and keeps all eyes on the happy couple.
Ransom or Post Bail Game
Make a game out of it, Matching the specifics to your wedding theme, if possible. For example, a wild west theme could include the groomsmen or bridesmaids Coming in looking like bandits with bandannas covering their faces and “kidnapping” the bride or groom. The DJ can don a hat and sheriff’s badge to deliver the ransom note to the bride or groom. To get his bride or groom back he or she might have to sing a song, do the chicken dance or perform other silly tasks to get the guests laughing. In addition, the final demand will be for a certain amount of cash. make the dollar amount low so guests don’t feel awkward, though most will likely contribute so the groom can get his bride back. It is also fun to do a mystery theme with this game. You could have the lights turn off for a couple of seconds and when the lights turn back on the bride or groom is missing with a ransom note in their place.
To The Highest Bidder
The 2nd best idea I’ve heard is a variation of the dollar dance. Instead of dancing with every one of your 300+ guests, your DJ auctions you and your hubby off to the highest bidder. The guest that bids highest gets to dance with you. This way you are only dancing with one person instead of spending the whole night dancing with everyone. You can still choose to dance with a couple more people afterward so there are no hurt feelings.
Silent Auctions
Depending on how laid back the atmosphere of your wedding is, you can consider selling items or hosting a silent auction. Items that could be sold to guests are glow sticks, shots, centerpieces, candy bars, etc. A word of caution though selling items can leave guests with the feeling they are being pushed into spending money. This can leave guests talking, and not in a good way. Instead, if you want to sell items, consider hosting a silent auction where you set out special mementos that have meaning to your guests. Your guests can then bid on items to help with your honeymoon expenses and not feel pressured to buy, buy, buy!!! You may be surprised at just how much an old photo of the family will go for.
A Flash Mob
Is a group of people who assemble suddenly in a pubic place, perform an unusual and seemingly pointless act for a brief time, before quickly dispersing. They are often used for the purpose of entertainment, satire or artistic expression and are organized via telecommunications, social media, or viral emails
Newlywed Game
Two chairs are placed back to back on the dance floor. One for the bride and for the groom. DJ ( or another host) would ask a series of questions about the two and their relationship. For example ” Who does the most cooking?” and who said,” I love you first?” After each question, the bride and groom will hold up a sign of which one of them fits the question the best. Other items can also be used instead of the standard pink and blue construction paper sign. Normally your guests write the Newlywed Game questions during dinner. You can also have some of the bridal parties or just the maid of honor and best man participate. The chairs would also be back to back with the best man and or groomsmen on the groom’s side and the maid of honor and or the bridesmaid on the bride’s side.
Generation Dance
All the couples, including the Bride & Groom, are invited onto the dance floor. The DJ plays a beautiful romantic slow song and all the couples dance. Following a little dancing, the DJ asks all those couples married one year or less to please leave the dance floor. Bride and Groom can stay out on the dance floor through the whole generation dance to dance with the remaining couple that has been married the longest or they can be the first to leave the dance floor. This will be discussed with the DJ beforehand.
After some more dancing, all the couples married 10 years or less, 20 years, then 30 years. After 30, the figures change to 31, 32,33, etc. Until the couple is married the longest remains The Bride & Groom can then exchange partners with the final couple, creating a touching moment for all involved.
All Married Couples
All Married Couples would dance with Bride & Groom.